Getting Started

Available Domains' friendly user interface allows you to easily find attractive and yet unregistered domains. Here are typical steps to help you to learn the program:

Specify keywords

Keywords Window is used for keywords definition and choosing domain generation mode. The most useful mode is Quick Mode. Let's see how it works. Type desired keywords and choose Themes.
Here is an example:

If you need some keyword to be mandatory, that is, to be always present in domain names, use "+" symbol before keyword.
If you want to define a position for keyword, add "[order]" after this keyword. "order" can be a "number" (number of order), "number1-number2" (range of positions), "a" (any position), "s" (start of domain name), "m" (middle of domain name), "e" (end of domain name), "s-m", "m-e", "s-e".

Create list of domain names

Now when you have defined the keywords, let's create list of domain names. Press button Generate Names or choose Generate From Keywords command from Domains menu. This command will add all domain names which contain at least one of the specified keywords to the names list. In addition selected Themes will be taken into account.

See Also:
Main Features
Search Samples
How To Use Available Domains